Friday, October 10, 2008


There were a couple of questions submitted to the "question pot" during our class time last weekend that I wanted to share with all of you. I think that they are very good questions, even if they are difficult to answer properly.

So, here you go:

1) "Was Jesus fully human before his earthly birth? Was flesh and blood part of his particularity in the Trinitarian relationship? If not, the what was his particularity within the Trinity?"
  • We'll talk about this question during the final weekend of the class. Are there any other questions along these lines that I can address as I prepare for the final weekend of class?
2) "It seems that if God is a Trinity and Jesus repeatedly proclaims that his purpose is to point to God the Father, do you think modern/post-modern Christianity over emphasizes our focus on Christ? For example, even St. Patrick's prayer was all about Christ's presence with us, but would it not really be the Holy Spirit's presence we should be praying for, since it is the Holy Spirit who actually resides in us. Does Christ actually reside in us?"
  • Again, we'll talk about this a bit the final weekend of class. Who is Christ for us and in us? Paul talks of us being "in Christ" but what does that really mean? Any thoughts?

3) "Bob Ekblad talks about hearing the Holy Spirit and learning to "listen" to his leading. Is this really possible? Can we "hear" God's voice?"
  • This would be a great discussion question. What do you think? Obviously Bob believes this.

These are all excellent questions! Keep asking and discussing!!


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