Saturday, October 18, 2008


Hey, should we have a potluck lunch on Saturday November 8th? It is the last day of the class. What do you think?



uncle isaac said...


Marcus said...


Unknown said...


I wouldn't mind making a food sign-up sheet and attaching it to the class sign-in roster. That way
1) people will commit to bringing something and be less likely to forget and 2)we won't end up with a table full of desserts without any "real" food for lunch.

But maybe that feels too formal. Just an idea. Let me know if you want me to do that - i would just need to know a rough estimate of how many people are in the class.

~ Carol

Chelle said...

Hey Carol,

Yes, please bring a sign-up sheet for food! That would be great. If you don't get this, I could also just send around a blank sheet. I was thinking it would be nice to include some morning (breakfast) food as well. I can bring coffee.
