Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sex and the Church

Many of you have indicated an interest in thinking theologically about sex and the body, so I thought that I would share a recent article by the Anglican theologian, Sarah Coakley. She is currently working on a new book (the first of her systematic theology!) entitled, God, Sexuality and the Self: an essay on the Trinity. I bet you would read a theology book with that title!
If you read the article, let me know what you think.


1 comment:

Caitlin said...

Thanks for posting this, Chelle! I've only read section one so far, but my initial reaction is that this seems like a good place to start.

One of my table-mates in class today was reminding us that just naming a behavior or exposing an assumption is a great way to create an opportunity to talk about power and privilege, and that it is an essentially non-violent (combative), non-defensive tactic.

It seems like that's what Coakley's doing - saying something like, hey, wait a minute, before we get to embroiled in and embittered by the scandalous debate over homosexuality in the church, or throw stones at pedophiliac priests, have we considered the log in our own eye (speaking from the place of heterosexual privilege).

Ha, Jesus - the fullness of humanity...what a decent human being.

I have such a hard time remembering his advice...i'm glad Coakley reminded me.

also...I'll keep reading.