Thursday, February 18, 2010

Fasting During Lent

In class I mentioned that Lent is traditionally a time to fast. We fast to prepare for Easter. We also fast so that we might give. It is simple, really. Choose one thing from which to fast (e.g., coffee, soda, chocolate, movies, etc.) and save the money you would have spent on that thing. Then, at the end of Lent, give that money to a specific charity or NGO. Here are a few ideas. If you have others that you would like to share, please let me know and I will post them.

Blood:Water Mission (clean water in Africa)

Friends of the Orphans (Haiti--Cheryl Goodwin's daughter works for this organization)

Haiti Partners (A friend of mine, Peter Heltzel, recommends this group)

If you want something closer to home, you could support the cafe that Ron Ruthruff's wife, Linda, started: Street Bean Espresso. Or New Horizons Ministries, which is across the street from the Cafe. (They work with at risk youth on the streets of Seattle. Dan's wife volunteers there.)

Obviously, there are many more organizations out there that you could donate to, but you get the idea. There is a lot of need out in the world, and this is a great way to participate in that work.


Friday, February 12, 2010


So, I don't know if this is for real or not, but it is amusing. (I don't think this is real archival footage, I think it is a spoof... but it does make me laugh!)

Changes in Syllabus

Hello to you all,

I just wanted to remind you that the doctrinal position paper on the Eucharist is not due until March 3rd (the week after reading week). Also, Tim Conder is now coming to speak in our class on March 10 and Dr. Dwight Friesen will be speaking on March 17th (everyone wear green!).

Have a great weekend! May you get all of your work finished... I know that you are all working very hard right now.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Worship...Uh, who are we worshiping?

A little funny for you all. I have to admit that this made me laugh at first, now it makes me think, a lot. I wonder: what and who we are worshiping in our services...


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

On Election

For all of you working on your election papers (and not obsessive watching Lost...), here is an online resource that might be of help to you. This is a concise comparison of Arminianism and Calvinism on election. A great and quick overview!


On Scripture

For anyone in the class that is looking for a different take on a pneumatology of scripture, here is a link to a lecture outline I wrote for a different class. This is Stan Grenz's approach to a pneumatology of scripture.

If you read this and then want to come and talk with me, please feel free.
