Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What is Due?

OK, this post is about your assignments.

First, the final exam is canceled. Sooooo, take a gigantic red pen and cross it out on your syllabus (though not on your computer screen). That should be very satisfying!!

Second, you are still responsible for 8 journal entries. One of those entries (any one of them) should interact in one way or another with both The Return of the Prodigal Son (Nouwen) and The Shack (Young). You are not obligated to do more work, just that one entry should interact with these two books: two different articulations of God's love.

Third, if you have not started on your research paper, you should. (I know, I am a nag.)

Fourth, due December 12th, 2008 is a signed & #'ed (pages that is) bibliography. Be honest about what you have actually read.

Finally, remember that there is a quiz on Saturday morning. "Name that Heresy!!"

My office hours continue to be on Tuesday afternoons. I'm very friendly and I don't bite...most of the time.... Come talk with me if you have any questions. If you can't come in on Tuesdays, just write me an email and we can work out a time.


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