Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sam Wells and Improvisation

Molly reminded me of the importance of Sam Wells's book, Improvisation. In this book, Wells talks about improvisation as a model for church. In essence, it is about how we are with one another and in the world. He was a pastor for years and applied these principles in his church and community. His church dying and was in a section of England defined by poverty and cynicism. He wondered how it was possible to revive a church in such circumstances, but it did work. He went on from there to work with Stanley Hauerwas, and is now the Dean of the Chapel at Duke Divinity.

I think I'll talk about this in class... I'll practice improvisation in my teaching life...

Molly sent me a link to an interview in The Other Journal with Scott Bader-Saye, where he talks a bit about Wells's understanding of improvisation. Check it out.

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